Our Agency
Eastern Outdoor Sales Inc. provides our customers and manufacturers with a dedicated national sales team serving the Canadian market.
The Canadian landscape and retail marketplace is vast and unique. We focus on getting to know our retail and wholesale partners and we are in regular communication providing product knowledge and industry news from our experience and regular attendance at most outdoor industry trade shows.
At EOSI we have over 230 years of combined experience, we have built strong business relationships which allows us to be successful in this market. We aggressively market each product to Canadian dealers, distributors, and mass merchants to maximize sales.
Our strengths include:
Our People We employ only the best. Our staff is our most valuable asset and truly professional in every way. Each and every one of our team is passionate and dedicated to the people we serve.
Integrity This is the cornerstone of our company. We represent our manufacturers with honest, sincere, and committed service.
Attentiveness It is our business to know what is going on in the Canadian marketplace. Paying attention to trends and changes in the marketplace and conveying that message is one of our primary responsibilities to our manufacturers and the customers we service.
Team Effort Our continued development and reputation in this industry has been a team effort.
Sales Team Coverage
The Eastern Outdoor Sales Team covers the country. Together, our team addresses more than 98% of the Canadian population!
Lee Collins - Principal/Owner
Stephane Pepin - National Sales Manager
Denise Deacon - National Accounts
Randal Pappas - British Columbia
Michael Ablaka - Alberta
Jason Zulyniak - Saskatchewan & Manitoba
Doug Kingsley - Southeastern Ontario
Andy Collins - Southwestern Ontario
Patrick Ally - Quebec
Pierre-Luc Darveau - Quebec
John Day - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador & P.E.I.